Want Better Credit? Break These 3 Bad Habits

We get questions all the time from people who want to get a car loan but have poor credit. What can they do to improve their score and their overall financial health? The answer isn’t as complicated as one would expect, but it involves one of the toughest things a person can do, which is changing their habits. We’re going to do a quick rundown of how you can break 3 of the biggest habits holding you back from a great credit score.

First, get a notebook small enough to carry in a pocket or a handbag, and make sure you always have it with you. Whenever you make a purchase, write it down in the notebook. This way, you know exactly where your money is going, and you break the habit of making impulse buys on a debit or credit card.

Second, pay down your credit card balance. A good part of your credit score calculation is the debt you have compared to the amount of credit currently available. The lower your balance on the credit card, the better your credit score will be. Once you have paid down your credit card, keep it at an amount you can pay off each month. Break the habit of debt procrastination, saying to yourself, “I’ll pay it off next month.”

Finally, get out a calendar or a day planner and make note of the days that your bills are due. Late payments can knock down your credit score very quickly and can lead to extra penalties or a higher interest rate. Break the habit of paying late, and your credit score will definitely improve over the next year.

Looking for more car buying and credit tips? Check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more, and stop by Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge if you are looking for a car but worried that your credit is holding you back.

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Used Car Buying Tips

Purchasing a used car always feels very daunting. Most car-buyers have limited experience in heading into a dealership as people are starting to hold onto their automobiles for longer periods of time now. Another reason is because of the price tag attached, making people see buying a car in a much different light. If you’re going to be spending that much time, or making the commitment to an auto-loan, then you want to make sure you get it right the first time around. You even have to research the history of the car before buying used. If you’re someone who is thinking about finally purchasing that used car, here are some valuable tips from the Proctor Journal to keep in mind as you start the process.

You need to know what you want. It doesn’t matter that you’re buying pre-owned, you still want to have an idea of what style of car you’re looking for. Are you wanting a sports car to show off, or are you in need of a larger SUV for traveling with the family? Make sure to determine what style of vehicle matches your need based on life-style. Once you know that, start look at the makes and models and see which one you like the most.

Next, determine your budget. You going to need to know your financing limit. If you’re not going to pay the full price for the vehicle, look into getting an auto loan. Make sure before you do that, though, that you know how you’re going to be paying it back. That means knowing what you can afford as far as monthly payments are involved. Speak to the dealership you’re planning on purchasing from about the different options that they have for financing.

After that, plan on taking test drives. It’s a good way to determine if this car has what you’re looking for. You can research and evaluate a car all you want online, but it’s a much different experience once you get behind the wheel. It’ll help give it a feel and may even lead to you discovering an issue that you might not have thought to look for.

There’s plenty of things that you can do, as a car-buyer, before you head in for purchasing. These are simply a foundation to build off of. Go through and make a check-list to make sure that you have the proper preparedness so that you’re not caught off guard. It may seem like a giant commitment to make, especially financially, but with the right amount of leg-work, you’ll find that it’s not so overwhelming.

Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge is the dealership that will help you find the car you need. Give us a try and we’ll make sure to help make the process as easy and as unstressful as possible. You can even start the research by viewing our pre-owned inventory online. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more tips on buying a car.

Credit Tips for College Students

Fall is finally upon us and that means students are getting ready to head back to school for the year. For a college student, having the means to travel has always been important. It’s also a lesson in the importance of a credit score so that you can get a good car loan. Getting yourself a credit history can be very difficult according to The Christian Science Monitor. Lenders tend to be very cautious with new applicants. For those applying the first time, they have some tips to stay ahead of the curve.

The first tip is to start slowly. That means to not go crazy on applying for credit. An influx of too many applications can seem like to a lender that you’re too desperate for credit. It can really have a negative impact on your credit score.

Next is having a co-signer. A parent or a close relative can really give you a leg up on getting yourself a great rate. Be careful with this privilege however, because any that can happen on your end, such as missing payments, can come back and hurt the person who helped. Make sure you know what you’re getting into so that you don’t damage your own and your parent’s credit score.

The next two tips go hand in hand. You’ll want three lines of credit. In order for your file to be considered something other than too thin, you need at least three lines of credit. That being said, variety is also important. The algorithms that create your credit score like to see a difference in the kinds of accounts that you have. What that means is that credit cards are not the one-stop-shop of upping your credit score. Other things, such as a car loan, can also help.

Getting a head start on establishing a credit history goes a long way in life. It doesn’t take long for anyone once they really get started on their own to see how important that number is. Using these tips, you can be prepared and when the time comes to purchase your vehicle, you get the best deal you can get.

Stop by Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge to finance a vehicle with us. We’re looking to help people with bad credit get themselves into the car they need. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more credit tips.

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net