One of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a new car is the auto insurance. It is something that tends to get pushed to the side while thinking of the bigger picture of buying the car. Here is some important things that you should know about car insurance.
The first is that your credit has an impact on your rates. Credit score is always important, it is one of the biggest factors any buyer should be aware of before they go to purchase a vehicle. In regards to insurance, your credit is used to assess risk in things such as likeliness to file claims. It’s impossible to really know beforehand what will and will not be used from your credit score to cause a change in the rate. For that reason, it is important to have your credit score cleaned up and be the best reflection of your current status.
Be careful if you switch auto insurance companies. If you only place a stop payment in order to get the policy canceled, you’re likely to have the insurance company report you for non-payment to the credit bureaus. If this happens, it may cause your rate to go up when it impacts your credit score. Talk to your insurance company, make sure all the paperwork for cancelling is properly filled out and that you have your new policy ready to start as soon as the old one ends.
Lastly, paying your auto insurance premium in full can help to save money in the long run. Like with down payments on cars, the more you can pay up front, the better it will be for you in the future. By doing this, you can avoid the potential to miss or be late with a payment, but you can also not worry about additional expenses that come with breaking up payments over a series of months and years. Just be sure you can afford it. If you can, it is certainly worth budgeting for.
If you need help with purchasing a new or used vehicle, be sure to contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge. If you need further assistance in finding financing for a new vehicle on bad credit, contact our financing department. We love to say yes, you’re approved! Be sure to like Bayside on Facebook, following on Twitter, or subscribing on YouTube.