The downside to trying to get an auto credit loan is that they can be denied. It’s extremely discouraging for both sides, the customers who want it and the lenders who want to provide the loan. Not every application that comes in will find itself approved but just because it happens doesn’t make it the end of the line. There are things that you can do, even if denied, to still get an approval.
Auto Credit Express breaks down the factors that can lead into getting denied in the first place. Being turned down due to poor credit doesn’t mean it’s all over, denials typically mean that the loan can’t be approved in the form it was submitted. While the following list is not the sign of death for an application, many of these elements are considered when a lender views the loan.
Is the applicant in credit counseling? Do they have a dismissed bankruptcy? Does the person have multiple repossession on their credit history? What about multiple bankruptcies? Does the credit report show past due child support or excessive tax liens?
The question is what can someone do to turn a denial around and get themselves approved for a auto credit loan? There are four steps that can lead to a reversal of fate.
Step one is to take a look at your credit report. Make sure there is no misinformation that is dragging down your score. Always make sure it is up to date, and most importantly, completely correct.
Step two is think about taking a less expensive vehicle. If the lender reviews your application, they may determine that the car is too expensive even if it fits their parameters. Make sure to inquire with the lender if another cheaper vehicle could help.
Step three is to give more for a down payment. Having more money up front can go a long way in putting you in the vehicle you want.
Step four is to have a co-signer. If you have someone you know that has a credit history as good if not better than your own, it can really help the process.
A denial is not a stop sign, it’s a sign that you should re-evaluate and identify the reason why. If you’re careful and follow some of these tips, you’ll find yourself in a much better position when at the dealership.
Apply online with Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge to help get in that car you’ve been wanting. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more financial tips and news.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /