Shopping around for an auto loan can be a trying experience, especially with a low credit score. It can seem impossible to find the car you want at rates and terms you can afford. Most people don’t know that they can improve their chances of getting a better rate, though, by following these 4 simple steps.
- Be Honest with Yourself: Take a look over your personal finances and ask yourself how much you can really afford to spend. Do you really need a new car, or are you better able to afford a good used car? If your finances are tight already, then a reliable vehicle that generally doesn’t need a lot of repairs is a smarter choice than something flashier (and pricier).
- Research Before Going Into a Dealership: When you go into a dealership, that dealership assumes that you are ready to test drive and buy. If you want to research model reviews, it is better to do so before going in. Otherwise, you could end up buying a car you didn’t really want or hem and haw over the pros and cons of a model and waste the salesperson’s time. It is always good to go into a sale certain that this is the car you want, but keep in mind that the dealership’s sales staff make money on commissions. Be considerate of that, and if you aren’t ready to buy, walk away and let that salesperson help another customer.
- Bring a Down Payment: Fox Business recommends having a 20 percent down payment for a new car and 10 percent for a used car. By having that down payment, it increases the chances of getting a better interest rate and lower monthly payments.
- Shoot For a Shorter Loan Length: The value of a car, especially a new car, depreciates fairly quickly, so it is better to go with a shorter loan length. Even if it means higher monthly payments, you will probably end up with a higher interest rate if you get a longer loan.
Are you shopping for an auto loan but running into problems because of your credit? Give Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge a chance to help you. You can see our online new and pre-owned inventory here, and be sure to like Bayside on Facebook and follow Bayside on Twitter to get the latest news from the auto industry.